

I'm supposed to be on a plane in about an hour but it looks like my flight is delayed for another 3!



I just arrived in Lisbon about an hour ago. The crazy, insane hilly streets make it a fairly difficult city to navigate but with my trusty Lonely Planet: Portugal guide I was able to make it from the airport to my hostel with little trouble. Speaking of this hostel...it's incredible! I was expecting good things already (it got a 95% on Hostels.com) but it's even better than I imagined! Actually, since it's low season it looks like I might have a 6 person room all to myself (at least for tonight) which will be nice (and not creepy in the Kyoto, Japan kind of way. Horror movie status.)

Anyway, already I can tell I'll love this city. It's beautiful and the streets are tiny and confusing and meander in this really romantic kind of way. It feels like its own little world.






I've discovered that I have a fondness for English tree tops.


On another note: Remember when Mrs. Kuchenreuther made us perform this song in sign language? I really wish there was video of that. Awesome.

Right outside the Roman baths there was an outdoor exhibition promoting sustainability which featured a number of really amazing photos from around the world. However the last part of the display (as documented in the above photo) completely negated the effects of the beautiful photos and made the whole thing kind of comical.

7th grade is really taking a beating here...











I spent a couple hours wandering the Wellcome Collection today. It's "a free destination for the incurably curious." It's awesome.

These are vitamins and herbal supplements carved into the shape of the body part they are intended to help



This is the feedback wall. Visitors are meant to select a word from the above card and give some kind of feedback related to the word.

Jason, male, age secret, contributed this to the feed back wall. Controversial, Jason!

My biometric symbol!



A chair used exclusively for torture (and chairs for child birth and dentistry in the background. I think they're making a JOKE!)

Unfortunately, these are apparently only for children. I think this should be clearer.


Knives and masks and drawers! (Actually, the open drawer had a picture of a Lohan (no) which (IRONY) is a person who has reached the last stage of an enlightenment before Bodhisattvahood.)



These are meant to prevent male masturbation. NATCH.

A chastity belt

Shoes for bound feet

Photographs weren't allowed at my favorite gallery featuring an exhibit on identity. There is a high speed video camera set up so that people look like ghosts (called, appropriately, Hereafter) and there's a database to research surnames. For every million, there are 466.16 people in France and 61.6 people in the US with the last name Caron. There are 321.33 people per million with the last name Schuler in Switzerland.

At least I got to take one of these fun activity books to remember it by!




Did you know that though only one out of every 80 births results in twins, approximately one out of every eight people had a twin during the early stages of prenatal development?
Maybe that's why you're so lonely!
