

Berlin has some...er, a lot of great museums with lots of old stuff!

From The Pergamon Museum:
The Ishtar Gate and Processional Way

An old Roman structure

Roman mosaic of Orpheus

Greek Stuff!

...like Athena!

Another view of the Pergamon Alter...I still don't understand how it's in Berlin! It's a mystery.

From The Altes Museum:
Crypt of a Roman General

Try to translate this, Classics Majors!

From The Neues Museum:

Bust of King Tutankhamun. Thanks for telling me all about him, Mr. Beechtree (Ha, just kidding, everyone thought you were drunk...is this slander? eh, I doubt anyone is paying much attention.).
Queen Nefertiti. The Neues Museum also houses what is arguably the most famous bust of Nefertiti, which Wikipedia deems "iconic." We weren't allowed to take pictures of that though...too famous for amateur photographers.


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